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Division of Theoretical Physics

General information


Technical informations:


PhD celebration, 16 June 2021

Preprints: 2020

List of Preprints in 2020

Preprints: 2021

List of Preprints in 2021

Preprints: 2022

List of Preprints in 2022

Preprints: 2023

List of Preprints in 2023

Preprints: 2024

List of Papers & Preprints, written by members of Division of Theoretical Physics.

Research Groups:

PPC: Particle Physics and Cosmology Group

CMSP: Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group

FiTMaP: Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group

QG: Quantum Gravity Group

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-01

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Noriaki Ikeda, Larisa Jonke, "Geometric BV for twisted Courant sigma models and the BRST power finesse",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Symmetries for Quantum Gravity", IP-2019-04-4168

Research Group: FiTMaP (Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-02

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Alberto Giuseppe Catalano, "Numerically efficient unitary evolution for Hamiltonians beyond nearest-neighbors ",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: MOQS ITN programme, a European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 955479.

Research Group: CMSP (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-03

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Goran Duplančić, Saad Nabeebaccus, Kornelija Passek-K., Bernard Pire, Jakob Schönleber, Lech Szymanowski, Samuel Wallon, "Exclusive photoproduction of a photon-meson pair: A new class of observables to probe GPDs", PoS SPIN2023 (2024) 007 (contribution to SPIN 2023).

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project “Revealing the hadron structure through hard exclusive processes" (REVESTRUCTURE), IP-2019-04-9709, EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, STRONG-2020 project, under grant agreement No 824093

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-04

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Ana Bokulic , Tajron Juric and Ivica Smolic, "Hexadecapole at the heart of nonlinear electromagnetic fields"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation Project No. IP-2020-02-9614.

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-05

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Marko Stojanovic, Neven Bilic, Dragoljub D.Dimitrijevic, Goran S. Djordjevic and Milan Milosevic, "Constant-roll inflation with tachyon field in the holographic braneworld", Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 38, 2343003 (2023)

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-06

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Toni Kodžoman, Zoran Škoda, "Brane mechanics and gapped Lie n-algebroids",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Symmetries for Quantum Gravity", IP-2019-04-4168; COST action 21109 CaLISTA

Research Group: FiTMaP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-07

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Hrvoje Nikolić, "Semiclassical solution of black hole information paradox",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-08

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Aliaksei Kachanovich, Ivan Nišandžić, "Revisiting the Higgs Boson Decay into a Photon and a Neutrino Pair",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project “Heavy hadron decays and lifetimes" IP-2019-04-7094, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of the Research Group Linkage Programme funded by the respective Federal Ministry

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-09

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Shi-Fan Chen, Zvonimir Vlah, Martin White, "The Bispectrum in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-10

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Thomas Bakx, Nora Elisa Chisari, Zvonimir Vlah, "COBRA: Optimal Factorization of Cosmological Observables",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-11

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available):G. Torre, A. G. Catalano, S. B. Kožić, F. Franchini, S. M. Giampaolo, "Interplay between local and non-local frustration in the 1D ANNNI chain I -- The even case",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: MOQS ITN programme, a European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 955479.

Research Group: CMSP (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-12

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available):A. G. Catalano, J. Odavć, G. Torre, A. Hamma, F. Franchini, S. M. Giampaolo, "Magic phase transition and non-local complexity in generalized $W$ State ",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: MOQS ITN programme, a European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 955479.

Research Group: CMSP (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-13

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Panagiotis Batakidis, Sylvain Lavau, "Atiyah classes of Lie algebroid homotopy modules",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Symmetries for Quantum Gravity", IP-2019-04-4168

Research Group: FiTMaP (Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-14

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Eric A. Bergshoeff, Chris D. A. Blair, Johannes Lahnsteiner, Jan Rosseel, "The surprising structure of non-relativistic 11-dimensional supergravity",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Non-relativistic supergravity and applications", IP-2022-10-5980

Research Group: FiTMaP (Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-15

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Finn Feuerstake, Elina Fuchs, Tania Robens, and Daniel Winterbottom, " Interference effects in resonant di-Higgs production at the LHC in the Higgs singlet extension",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project " Beyond the Standard Model discovery and Standard Model precision at LHC Run III", IP-2022-10-2520

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-16

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Nikola Herceg, Tajron Jurić, A. Naveena Kumara, Andjelo Samsarov, Ivica Smolić " Noncommutative quasinormal modes of Schwarzchild black hole",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) Project No. IP-2020-02-9614, "Search for Quantum spacetime in Black Hole QNM spectrum and Gamma Ray Bursts"

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-17

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Oleg Antipin, Jahmall Bersini and Francesco Sannino " Exact Results for Scaling Dimensions of Composite Operators in the phi4 Theory",

Repository Url:

Research Group: FiTMaP


Ongoing projects:

See also the list of finished projects.


People: Personal pages

Hrvoje Nikolić

Fabio Franchini

Tajron Jurić

Presentations: 2020

List of Presentations in 2020

Presentations: 2021

List of Presentations in 2021

Presentations: 2022

List of Presentations in 2022

Presentations: 2023

List of Presentations in 2023

Presentations: 2024

Talk (invited)/Poster
Given by: Speaker
Title: Title
Date & Venue: Time and place

Talk (invited)
Given by: Thanasis Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Brane Mechanics and Representations up to Homotopy
Date & Venue: 10/01/2024, 5th Mons Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories, Mons, Belgium

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors 10+ years after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 18/01/2024, IPPP Seminar, IPPP, Durham, UK
Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Meson production at NLO and higher-twist revisited
Date & Venue: 19.01.2024, RBRC Workshop: Generalized Parton Distributions for Nucleon Tomography in the EIC Era, Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, 17.-19.01.2024

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors 10+ years after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 29/01/2024, HEP Theory Seminar, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Seminar (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue: 28/03/2024, Extended scalar sectors group seminar, DESY, Hamburg, Germany

Talk (invited)
Given by: Thanasis Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Higher structures and geometry for gauge systems
Date & Venue: 05/04/2024, Quantum & Fuzzy Workshop, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Light Scalars [Higgses] at Higgs Factories
Date & Venue: 9/04/2024, 2024 European Edition of the International Workshop on the Circular Electron-Positron Collider, Marseille, France (via Zoom)

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Higgs Physics at e+e- colliders
Date & Venue: 10/04/2024, 2024 European Edition of the International Workshop on the Circular Electron-Positron Collider, Marseille, France (via Zoom)

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue: 23/04/2024, New Physics Directions in the LHC Era and beyond, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany

Given by: Sylvain Lavau
Title: Graded geometric perspectives on tensor hierarchies
Date & Venue: 24/04/2024, Joint HEP-TH Seminar Mons-Brussels-Leuven, Université de Mons, Belgium

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Physics with singlets
Date & Venue: 04/05/2024, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024 (CATCH22+2), DIAS, Dublin, Ireland

Given by: Sylvain Lavau
Title: Graded geometric perspectives on tensor hierarchies
Date & Venue: 09/05/2024, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Charles University, Pragues, Czech Republic
Talk (invited)
Given by: Oleg Antipin
Title: Towards Standard Model at large charge
Date & Venue: 15/05/2024, Towards Realistic physics at large quantum number, IPMU, Tokyo, Japan.

Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Twist-3 contribution to deeply virtual electroduction of pions
Date & Venue: 07.06.2024, Transversity 2024, Trieste, Italy, 03.-07.06.2024

Given by: Lovro Dulibić
Title: Nonperturbative QCD in D-Dbar mixing
Date & Venue: 19.6.2024. Quirks in quark flavor physics, Quirks 2024, Zadar, Croatia

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue: 20/06/2024, Ninth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics FPCapri2024, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri, Italy

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Overview on low mass scalars at e+e- facilities -theory
Date & Venue: 10/07/2024, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan/ online

Given by: Sylvain Lavau
Title: Atiyah classes of Lie algebroid homotopy modules
Date & Venue: 10/07/2024, POISSON 2024, Accademia Pontaniana - Napoli, Italy.

Talk (invited)
Given by: Blazenka Melić
Title: D-Dbar mixings from nonlocal condensate contributions
Date & Venue: 20.7.2024. 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2024, 18-24 July 2024, Prague, Czech Republic

Given by: Nikola Crnković
Title: Exclusive photoproduction of a photon-meson pair
Date & Venue: 08.08.2024, Towards improved hadron tomography with hard exclusive reactions, ECT Trento, Italy, 05.-09.08.2024

Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: DVMP at higher-order and higher-twist revisited
Date & Venue: 09.08.2024, Towards improved hadron tomography with hard exclusive reactions, ECT Trento, Italy, 05.-09.08.2024

Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors from all angles - Mostly at lepton colliders -
Date & Venue: 27/08/2024, Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece

Talk (invited)
Given by: Oleg Antipin
Title: Standard Model at large hypercharge
Date & Venue: 31/08/2024, Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece

Talk (invited)
Given by: Oleg Antipin
Title: Standard Model at large hypercharge
Date & Venue: 04/09/2024, Workshop Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece

Public outreach

Performed by: Team
Title: Title
Date & Venue: Time and place

Activity Talk at the teacher's assembly
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Uloga tamne materije i tamne energije u suvremenoj kozmologiji
Date & Venue: Azoo - Suvremena područja istraživanja u astronomiji, Zagreb, HR, 23.02.2023

Activity Public talk
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Uloga tamne materije i tamne energije u suvremenoj kozmologiji
Date & Venue: Dan & noć u inženjerstvu okoliša 2023, Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, Varaždin, HR, 07.03.2023

Activity Public talk
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Tamna materija i tamna energija
Date & Venue: Observatory Zagreb, Zagreb, HR, 05.04.2023

Activity TV show
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Kako tamna energije i tamna materija utječu na širenje svemira?
Date & Venue: Znanstveni krugovi, HRT, Zagreb, HR, 09.05.2023