Principal investigator: Jan Rosseel
PI's Host institution: Ruđer Bošković Institute
Project duration: 15.12.2023 to 14.12.2027

Project Summary

Motivated by potential applications to holography and non-perturbative aspects of quantum field theory, the project will construct novel non-relativistic supergravity theories in 10, 11 and 3 dimensions. To do this, we will use recent insights into Newton-Cartan geometry, a differential geometry framework to describe non-relativistic space-times, and its connection to Riemannian geometry via state-of-the-art non-relativistic limit procedures. In 10 and 11 dimensions, we will focus on maximal non-relativistic supergravity theories that can be viewed as low energy descriptions of non-relativistic string and M-theory. We will use these to study dualities and properties of p-branes in non-relativistic string theory. We will furthermore propose and investigate a supersymmetric matrix model dual of non-relativistic M-theory. In 3 dimensions, we will construct matter coupled, off-shell, non-relativistic supergravity theories and use them to obtain non-relativistic supersymmetric field theories on curved backgrounds. In the relativistic case, the latter form a class of theories in which expectation values of particular observables can be computed exactly using supersymmetric localization. We will investigate whether similar results hold in the non-relativistic case, in particular in supersymmetric field theories on curved manifolds that are non-relativistic analogues of toy models that appeared in studies of graphene.


Jan Rosseel (PI)

RBI, Croatia

Eric Bergshoeff

University of Groningen, the Netherlands

Maro Cvitan

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Predrag Dominis Prester

University of Rijeka, Croatia

List of publications

Event Organization


School, Workshop and Conference Attendance


Jan Rosseel

Phone: +385 1 457 1634
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb, Croatia