List of Presentations in 2023

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Seminar (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Date & Venue: 22.12.2023, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: 5G: Graded Generalised Geometry for Gauge and Gravity theories
Date & Venue: 9.10.2023, University of Mons, Belgium
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Basic curvature and Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory
Date & Venue: 8.5.2023, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in higher gauge theory
Date & Venue: 16.2.2023, Charles University of Prague, Chechia
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Geometry on higher structures and the BV formalism
Date & Venue: 13.2.2023, CEICO: Central European Institute for Cosmology, Prague, Chechia
Talk (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Gauge theory, higher structures and compatibility conditions
Date & Venue: 26.1.2023, MITP Scientific Programme: Higher Structures, Gravity and Fields, Mainz, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Deeply-virtual and photoproduction of mesons at higher-order and higher-twist
Date & Venue: 17.01.2023, XXIX Cracow Epiphany Conference on Physics at the Electron-Ion Collider and Future Facilities, Krakow, Poland, 16.-19.01.2023
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 19.1.2023, TU Munich, Garching, Germany
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 6.2.2023, DESY Theory Seminar, DESY Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors - open issues for Run 3
Date & Venue: 15.2.2023, DESY-CMS Higgs Seminar, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue: 16.2.2023, Extended scalars group seminar, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Accessing GPDs through meson production
Date & Venue: 17.02.2023, Meeting of the Forschungsgruppe FOR 2926, Next Generation Perturbative QCD for Hadron Structure: Preparing for the Electron-Ion Collider, Regensburg, Germany, 16.-17.02.2023
Talk (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: PT/EFT approach of describing IA
Date & Venue: 13.03.2023, hol-IA: a holistic approach to galaxy intrinsic alignments, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Large-scale structure modelling in light of upcoming galaxy surveys
Date & Venue: 26.03.2023, Cosmology Lunch Seminar at DAMTP, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK
Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Deeply-virtual and photoproduction of pseudoscalar mesons at higher-order and higher-twist
Date & Venue: 28.03.2023, DIS2023: XXX International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, East Lansing, Michigan, USA, 27.-31.03.2023
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Two-Real-Singlet Model benchmark planes
Date & Venue: 29.3.2023, 57th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD & High Energy Interactions, La Thuile, Italy
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 3.4.2023, Online Seminar, IFN PAN Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Talk (invited)
Given by: Jan Rosseel
Title: Introduction to non-Lorentzian geometry
Date & Venue: 07.04.2023, Dual Perspectives seminar series, Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey
Talk (invited)
Given by: Ivan Nisandzic
Title: Lifetimes of heavy baryons
Date & Venue: 11.4.2023, Portoroz 2023: Particle Physics from Early Universe to Future Colliders, Portoroz, Slovenia
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Low mass scalars at future lepton colliders
Date & Venue: 14.4.2023, Standard and exotic Scalars at future HET factories, Online meeting
Given by: Blazenka Melic
Title: Heavy Hadron Lifetimes
Date & Venue: 24.4.2023, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors 10 years after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue: 8.5.2023, Pushing the Limits of Theoretical Physics, MITP, Mainz, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by: Jan Rosseel
Title: Minimal Stringy Non-Relativistic Supergravity
Date & Venue: 08.05.2023, Non-Relativistic Strings and Beyond, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
Talk (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Cosmological computer simulations
Date & Venue: 17.05.2023, Supercomputing in Natural Science, RBI, Zagreb, HR
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: An short overview on low mass scalars at future lepton colliders
Date & Venue: 17.5.2023, LCWS 2023 - International Workshop on Linear Colliders, SLAC, Stanford, CA, USA (online participation)
Talk (invited)
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Higher-twist contributions to deeply-virtual and photoproduction of mesons
Date & Venue: 25.05.2023, QCD Evolution Workshop 2023, Orsay, France, 22.-26.05.2023
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Scalar extensions with multi-b/ tau final states
Date & Venue: 30.5.2023, ATLAS FTAG Plenary Meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Two-Real-Singlet Model benchmark planes for X -> Y H_125
Date & Venue: 1.6.2023, CMS HH meeting, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Talk (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Basic Curvature, the Atiyah Cocycle and BV
Date & Venue: Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields, GGI Florence, Italy, Jun 12 - Jul 28, 2023. .
Talk (invited)
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory
Date & Venue: Gravity beyond Riemannian Paradigm, Jeju Island, Korea, 18 - 24 Jun 2023.
Talk (invited)
Given by: Eric Lescano
Title: Statistical matter in Double Field Theory
Date & Venue: Gravity beyond Riemannian Paradigm, Jeju Island, Korea, 18 - 24 Jun 2023.
Talk (invited)
Given by: Jan Rosseel
Title: Geometries for non-relativistic strings and branes
Date & Venue: 22.06.2023, Supergravity, Strings and Branes workshop, Feza Gürsey Center for Physics and Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Overview on BSM scenarios with enhancements in HH and HHH

Date & Venue: 16.7.2023, HHH Workshop, IUC, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Plenary (invited)
Given by: Blazenka Melic
Title: Charm Hadron Lifetimes and the status of D-Dbar mixing
Date & Venue: 17.7.2023, 11th International workshop on Charm Physics (CHARM 2023), Siegen, Germany, 17-21.7.2023
Given by: Anđelo Samsarov
Title: Towards gravitational QNM spectrum from noncommutative geometry
Date & Venue: 27.07.2023, The XII. International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS12) and XXVII. International Conference on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries (ISQS27),

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic, July 24-28.07.2023

Talk (invited)
Given by: Eric Lescano
Title: Statistical matter in Double Field Theory
Date & Venue: Integrability, Dualities and Deformations, Durham University, UK, 24 - 28 Jul 2023.
Talk (invited)
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory
Date & Venue: “Gravity, Noncommutative Geometry, Cosmology” workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico, from August 20 - 25, 2023.
Talk (invited)
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Applications of bidifferential graded geometry
Date & Venue: “Gravity, Noncommutative Geometry, Cosmology” workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico, from August 20 - 25, 2023.
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: TRSM benchmark planes

Date & Venue: 23.8.2023, European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics, Hamburg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors 10 years after the Higgs discovery

Date & Venue: 1.9.2023, Theory Challenges in the Precision Era of the Large Hadron Collider, GGI, Florence, Italy
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Light [Higgses] Scalars (theory)
Date & Venue: 5.9.2023, Higgs Days at Santander 2023 - Theory meets Experiment, IFCA, Santander, Spain
Talk (invited)
Given by: Blazenka Melic
Title: Vub| and the potential impact of new physics in exclusive b -> u l nu decays
Date & Venue: 20.9.2023, 12th International workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2023), 18-22.10.2023, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Given by: Nikola Crnković
Title: Revealing the nucleon structure through exclusive meson production
Date & Venue: 27.09.2023, ACHT2023 workshop, Leibnitz (Wagna), Austria, 27-29.09.2023
Given by: Raj Kishore
Title: Azimuthal asymmetry in J/psi production in electron-proton collision at EIC
Date & Venue: 28.09.2023, ACHT2023 workshop, Leibnitz (Wagna), Austria, 27-29.09.2023
Given by: Kornelija Passek-K.
Title: Higher order and higher-twist aspects of exclusive meson production
Date & Venue: 29.09.2023, ACHT2023 workshop, Leibnitz (Wagna), Austria, 27-29.09.2023
Sustainability Q&A (invited)
Given by: Rakhi Mahbubani
Title: Environmental sustainability in basic research

Date & Venue: 29.09.2023, STFC internal staff webinar
Talk (invited)
Given by: Jan Rosseel
Title: Carroll Fermions and Supersymmetry
Date & Venue: 06.10.2023, Carroll Workshop, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors 10+ years after the Higgs discovery

Date & Venue: 12.10.2023, Theory Challenges in the Precision Era of the Large Hadron Collider, GGI, Florence, Italy
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Cosmology from large-scale galaxy clustering
Date & Venue: 17.10.2023, Workshop: Introduction to KICC, Cambridge, UK
Talk (invited, online)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Constructing observables on the sky
Date & Venue: 02.11.2023, 2nd Shanghai Assembly on Cosmology and Structure Formation, Shanghai, China
Talk (invited)
Given by: Rakhi Mahbubani
Title: Energy and sustainability for particle physicists

Date & Venue: 9.11.2023, Sust-EPP School, Mainz (online)

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Higgs physics after the Higgs discovery

Date & Venue: 10.11.2023, RBI/ online,
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Triple Higgs production: a window to SM and BSM physics (in lieu of B. Fuks)

Date & Venue: 13.11.2023, The 20th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalars (subgroup report)

Date & Venue: 13.11.2023, The 20th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: WG2+ WG3 extended scalars: overview

Date & Venue: 15.11.2023, The 20th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Given by: Rakhi Mahbubani
Title: Environmental sustainability in HEP/Astro research (US edition)

Date & Venue: 30.11.2023, HEP/Astro Forum (online)
Lecture series (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Effective Field Theory of Structure Formation
Date & Venue: 04-09.12.2023, Tonale Winter School on Cosmology 2023, Tonale, Italy
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Constructing observables on the sky
Date & Venue: 11.12.2023, Cosmology Seminar, Stanford University, USA
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Rakhi Mahbubani
Title: The Sustainable HECAP+ Initiative

Date & Venue: 12.12.2023, Labos1point5 seminar, online
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Constructing observables on the sky
Date & Venue: 12.12.2023, Cosmology Seminar, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Seminar (invited)
Given by: Arash Ranjbar
Title: On the asymptotic symmetry of 3-dimensional Chern-Simons (super)gravity
Date & Venue: 19.12.2023, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran