From Division of Theoretical Physics
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Thanasis Chatzistavrakidis
Brane Mechanics and Representations up to Homotopy
Date & Venue:
10/01/2024, 5th Mons Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories, Mons, Belgium
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Extended scalar sectors 10+ years after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue:
18/01/2024, IPPP Seminar, IPPP, Durham, UK
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Extended scalar sectors 10+ years after the Higgs discovery
Date & Venue:
29/01/2024, HEP Theory Seminar, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
Seminar (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue:
28/03/2024, Extended scalar sectors group seminar, DESY, Hamburg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Thanasis Chatzistavrakidis
Higher structures and geometry for gauge systems
Date & Venue:
05/04/2024, Quantum & Fuzzy Workshop, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Light Scalars [Higgses] at Higgs Factories
Date & Venue:
9/04/2024, 2024 European Edition of the International Workshop on the Circular Electron-Positron Collider, Marseille, France (via Zoom)
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Higgs Physics at e+e- colliders
Date & Venue:
10/04/2024, 2024 European Edition of the International Workshop on the Circular Electron-Positron Collider, Marseille, France (via Zoom)
Given by:
Tania Robens
News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue:
23/04/2024, New Physics Directions in the LHC Era and beyond, MPIK, Heidelberg, Germany
Given by:
Sylvain Lavau
Graded geometric perspectives on tensor hierarchies
Date & Venue:
24/04/2024, Joint HEP-TH Seminar Mons-Brussels-Leuven, Université de Mons, Belgium
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Physics with singlets
Date & Venue:
04/05/2024, Cosmology, Astrophysics, Theory and Collider Higgs 2024 (CATCH22+2), DIAS, Dublin, Ireland
Given by:
Sylvain Lavau
Graded geometric perspectives on tensor hierarchies
Date & Venue:
09/05/2024, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Charles University, Pragues, Czech Republic
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Oleg Antipin
Towards Standard Model at large charge
Date & Venue:
15/05/2024, Towards Realistic physics at large quantum number, IPMU, Tokyo, Japan.
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
News from the Inert Doublet Model
Date & Venue:
20/06/2024, Ninth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics FPCapri2024, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri, Italy
Given by:
Tania Robens
Overview on low mass scalars at e+e- facilities -theory
Date & Venue:
10/07/2024, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan/ online
Given by:
Sylvain Lavau
Atiyah classes of Lie algebroid homotopy modules
Date & Venue:
10/07/2024, POISSON 2024, Accademia Pontaniana - Napoli, Italy.
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Extended scalar sectors from all angles - Mostly at lepton colliders -
Date & Venue:
27/08/2024, Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Oleg Antipin
Standard Model at large hypercharge
Date & Venue:
31/08/2024, Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Oleg Antipin
Standard Model at large hypercharge
Date & Venue:
04/09/2024, Workshop Quantum Gravity, Strings and the Swampland, Mon Repos, Corfu, Greece
Lecture (invited)
Given by:
Blazenka Melić
Flavour Physics in a Triangle
Date & Venue:
17.9.2024. The Fundamentals, Summer school in High-Energy and Gravitational Physics, 16-20 Sept, Split, Croatia
Given by:
Tania Robens
Overview on low mass scalars at e+e- facilities - theory
Date & Venue:
09/10/2024, 3rd ECFA workshop on e+e- Higgs, Electroweak and Top Factories, Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, France
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Blazenka Melic
Exploring the Vub: Selected Insights and Perspectives
Date & Venue:
4.11.2024, Open Questions and Future Directions in Flavour Physics,
MITP - Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Nov 4 – 15, 2024
Seminar (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Interference and finite width effects in heavy scalar searches
Date & Venue:
25/11/2024, Particle and Astroparticle Theory Seminar, Max-Planck-Institut for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Kornelija Passek-K.
Deeply virtual leptoproduction of pseudoscalar mesons: the role of higher twist contributions
Date & Venue:
05.12.2024, COMPASS Collaboration Meeting, CERN, 5.-6.12.2024
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Overview of HHH Theory
Date & Venue:
5/12/2024, The 21st Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Tania Robens
Extended scalar sectors - Focus on singlet extensions -
Date & Venue:
18/12/2024, Asymptotic Safety meets Particle Physics & Friends, DESY Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Ryan Tyler Requist
Fundamental theory of geometric phase and non-adiabatic phenomena
Date & Venue:
23.06.2024, CIMTEC International Conferences on Modern Materials & Technologies, Montecatini Terme, Italy
Talk (invited)
Given by:
Ryan Tyler Requist
Towards a real-space description of energy transfer in molecule-surface dynamics
Date & Venue:
05.09.2024, Ultrafast phenomena and light-matter interaction in quantum materials, Zadar, Croatia