Principal investigator: Tania Natalie Robens
PI's Host institution: Ruđer Bošković Institute
Project duration: 15.12.2023 to 14.12.2027

Project Summary

In 2012, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN) has found the long sought for Higgs particle. But the search for the underlying building blocks of nature is not over. For many years, theorists and experimentalists have worked together in order to theoretically construct and experimentally verify (or falsify) models explaining the building blocks of nature. Astrophysical measurements point to the existence of dark matter, which cannot be accounted for by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics. Furthermore, theoretical and experimental uncertainties allow for additional matter content.

I plan to investigate models with extended scalar sectors, where I will build on previous studies with a simple scalar extension, where I will investigate specific decay patterns. For models with dark matter candidates, I plan to explicitely study and devise search strategies for LHC Run III. I also will investigate the discovery prospects of these models at future colliders, including all know n constraints on the model. All of these projects will allow to further tune experimental search strategies and render novel insight into the building blocks of nature.

The second part of the proposal deals with the calculation of accurate predictions for collider processes, where smart strategies need to be applied in order to calculate the corresponding contributions within feasible computational time scales. The developed public tools will be of benefit for both the theoretical and experimental community in performing precise simulations of physical processes on feasible time scales.


Tania Natalie Robens (PI)

RBI, Croatia

Helmut Eberl

HEPHY, Vienna, Austria

Andreas Papaefstathiou

Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA

Krzysztof Rolbiecki

University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Aleksander Filip Zarnecki

University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

Published journal articles

HHH Whitepaper

V. Brigljevic, D. Ferencek, G. Landsberg, T. Robens, M. Stamenkovic, T. Susa (eds.), ea.,
Published in Eur. Phys. J. C 84, 1183 (2024)


Interference effects in resonant di-Higgs production at the LHC in the Higgs singlet extension

F. Feuerstake, E. Fuchs, T. Robens, D. Winterbottom
Accepted for publication in JHEP

Probing the Inert Doublet Model via Vector-Boson Fusion at a Muon Collider

J. Braathen, M. Gabelmann, T. Robens, P. Stylianou

Published conference proceedings

Overview on low mass scalars at e+e facilities -- theory

Robens, T.
Contribution to proceedings of LCWS 2024, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, EPJ Web of Conferences, Volume 315 (2024)

Conference presentations

04/2024 New Physics Directions in the LHC Era and beyond, MPIK, Heidelberg
Tania Robens, News from the Inert Doublet Model

05/2024 Corfu 2024 Workshop on Future Accelerators
Rakhi Mahbubani, Status and prospects of dark matter searches

06/2024 Ninth Workshop on Theory, Phenomenology and Experiments in Flavour Physics, Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Capri, Italy
Tania Robens, News from the Inert Doublet Model
Invited talk

07/2024 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan / online
Tania Robens, Overview on low mass scalars at e+e facilities -- theory

10/2024 3rd ECFA workshop on e+e Higgs, Electroweak and Top Factories, Campus des Cordeliers, Paris, France
Tania Robens, Overview on low mass scalars at e+e facilities -- theory

12/2024 The 21st Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group, CERN
Tania Robens, Overview of HHH Theory
Invited talk

Scientific visits

visit K. Rolbiecki to IRB, scientific collaboration

visit T. Robens to CERN, scientific collaboration


Tania Natalie Robens

Phone: +385 1 468 0221
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb, Croatia