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Division of Theoretical Physics

General information


Technical informations:


PhD celebration, 16 June 2021

Preprints: 2020

List of Preprints in 2020

Preprints: 2021

List of Preprints in 2021

Preprints: 2022

List of Preprints in 2022

Preprints: 2023

List of Preprints in 2023

Preprints: 2024

List of Preprints in 2024

Preprints: 2025

List of Papers & Preprints, written by members of Division of Theoretical Physics.

Research Groups:

PPC: Particle Physics and Cosmology Group

CMSP: Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group

FiTMaP: Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group

QG: Quantum Gravity Group

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-01

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Thomas Montandon, Enea Di Dio, Cornelius Rampf, Julian Adamek, "Angular bispectrum of matter number counts in cosmic structures"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-02

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available):Mirko Consiglio, Jovan Odavić, Riccarda Bonsignori, Gianpaolo Torre, Marcin Wieśniak, Fabio Franchini, Salvatore M. Giampaolo, and Tony J. G. Apollaro, "Long-Distance Genuine Multipartite Entanglement between Magnetic Defects in Spin Chains"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: CMSP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-03

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Yoshitaka Hatta, Henry T. Klest, Kornelija Passek-K., Jakob Schoenleber, "Deeply virtual ϕ-meson production near threshold"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-04

Authors, title and journal ref.: Ryan Requist, "Adiabatic perturbation theory for two-component systems with one heavy component", Phys. Rev. B 111, 024311 (2025), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.111.024311

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: CMSP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-05

Authors, title and journal ref.: Axel Hrelja, Tajron Jurić, Filip Požar, "Entropy of black holes, charged probes and noncommutative generalization"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-06

Authors, title and journal ref.: Filip Požar, "Corrections to Kerr-Newman black hole from Noncommutative Einstein-Maxwell equation"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-07

Authors, title and journal ref.: Larisa Jonke, Eric Lescano "From noncommutative Yang-Mills to noncommutative gravity through a classical double copy map"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: CSF project “HigSSinGG — Higher Structures and Symmetries in Gauge and Gravity Theories”, IP-2024-05-7921

Research Group: FiTMaP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-08

Authors, title and journal ref.: Anubha Baal, Edward Curtis, Anne-Marie Magnan, Benedikt Maier, Noor Nasser, Tania Robens, Nicolas Wardle, " Search for pair-production of additional scalar bosons within the Inert Doublet Model in a final state with two electrons or two muons"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: "Beyond the Standard Model discovery and Standard Model precision at LHC Run III", IP-2022-10

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-09

Authors, title and journal ref.: Theodore Steele, Alvise Raccanelli, and Zvonimir Vlah, "Projecting Unequal Time Fields and Correlators of Large Scale Structure"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-10

Authors, title and journal ref.: Alex S. Arvanitakis, Leron Borsten, Dimitri Kanakaris, Hyungrok Kim, "Homotopy Manin Theories: Generalising Third-Way, Yang–Mills and Integrable Sigma Models"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: FITMAP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-11

Authors, title and journal ref.: Francesco Spezzati, Eleonora Vanzan, Alvise Raccanelli, Zvonimir Vlah, and Daniele Bertacca, "Observed unequal-time power spectrum"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-12

Authors, title and journal ref.: Thomas Bakx, Alexander Eggemeier, Toshiki Kurita, Nora Elisa Chisari and Zvonimir Vlah, "The Bispectrum of Intrinsic Alignments: I. Theory Modelling and Forecasts for Stage IV Galaxy Surveys"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-13

Authors, title and journal ref.: Bruno Klajn, Hrvoje Nikolić, "Hidden momentum of composite bodies and magnetic dipoles"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-14

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): E. C. Aschenauer, V. Batozskaya, S. Fazio, A. Jentsch, J. Kim, K. Kumerički, H. Moutarde, K. Passek-K., D. Sokhan, H. Spiesberger, Paweł Sznajder, Kemal Tezgin "Study of deeply virtual Compton scattering at the future Electron-Ion Collider"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-15

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Valentine Maris, Filip Požar, Jean-Christophe Wallet "Star-products for Lie-algebraic noncommutative Minkowski space-times"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Cogito France scholarship

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2025-16

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Tajron Jurić, A. Naveena Kumara, Filip Požar "Constructing noncommutative black holes"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG


Ongoing projects:

  • Beyond the Standard Model discovery and Standard Model precision at LHC Run III
    Croatian Science Foundation research project
    PI: Tania Robens

See also the list of finished projects.


People: Personal pages

Hrvoje Nikolić

Fabio Franchini

Tajron Jurić

Presentations: 2020

List of Presentations in 2020

Presentations: 2021

List of Presentations in 2021

Presentations: 2022

List of Presentations in 2022

Presentations: 2023

List of Presentations in 2023

Presentations: 2024

List of Presentations in 2024

Presentations: 2025

Talk (invited)/Poster
Given by: Speaker
Title: Title
Date & Venue: Time and place

Public outreach

Performed by: Team
Title: Title
Date & Venue: Time and place

Activity Talk at the teacher's assembly
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Uloga tamne materije i tamne energije u suvremenoj kozmologiji
Date & Venue: Azoo - Suvremena područja istraživanja u astronomiji, Zagreb, HR, 23.02.2023

Activity Public talk
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Uloga tamne materije i tamne energije u suvremenoj kozmologiji
Date & Venue: Dan & noć u inženjerstvu okoliša 2023, Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, Varaždin, HR, 07.03.2023

Activity Public talk
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Tamna materija i tamna energija
Date & Venue: Observatory Zagreb, Zagreb, HR, 05.04.2023

Activity TV show
Performed by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: Kako tamna energije i tamna materija utječu na širenje svemira?
Date & Venue: Znanstveni krugovi, HRT, Zagreb, HR, 09.05.2023