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[[File:Me4.jpg|thumb|right|upright=1.7|Hrvoje Nikolić (2016)]]
= Affiliation, contact and trivia =
* Works at [http://thphys.irb.hr/ Division of theoretical physics] of [https://www.irb.hr/eng Ruđer Bošković Institute], Zagreb, Croatia.
* E-mail: hnikolic@irb.hr
* Born 1970. in Zagreb, Croatia.
* PhD in theoretical physics (2001).
* Selected photos: [[Media:Me1.jpg]], [[Media:Me2.jpg]], [[Media:Me3.jpg]], [[Media:Me4.jpg]], [[Media:We1.jpg]], [[Media:We2.jpg]]
* Distinguished relatives: [http://www.danko-nikolic.com/ Danko Nikolić (brother)]
= Interests =
== Professional scientific interests ==
== Professional scientific interests ==
Foundations of physics, including:
Foundations of physics, including:
* foundations of quantum physics  
* Foundations of quantum physics  
* relativity  
** the measurement problem
* black hole information paradox
** Bohmian mechanics
* foundations of statistical physics
** time in quantum physics
* emergent and effective theories
** quantum interpretations as thinking tools
** particles, fields and strings
* Relativity
** special relativity in non-inertial frames
** general relativity and gravity
* Black hole information paradox
* Foundations of statistical physics
** probability in classical and quantum physics
** the time arrow
* Emergent and effective theories
** analog gravity
** emergent field theories
** emergent relativity
** quasiparticles
** Wilson renormalization
== Amateur interests ==
== Amateur interests ==
Foundations of mathematics (logic and set theory), philosophy, psychology.
* Foundations of mathematics (logic, set theory, philosophy of mathematics)
* Philosophy (philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, free will, logic and reasoning, paradoxes)
* Psychology (personality psychology, irrationality, emotional intelligence, criminalistic psychology)
= Publications =
== Physics papers ==
== Physics papers ==
The list of all physics papers with citations: [http://inspirehep.net/search?ln=en&p=find+author+nikolic%2C+h&of=hcs&action_search=Search&sf=earliestdate&so=d inSPIRE]
* The [http://inspirehep.net/search?ln=en&p=find+author+nikolic%2C+h&of=hcs&action_search=Search&sf=earliestdate&so=d inSPIRE] list of all physics papers with citations
* [https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=aS5gTpgAAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar]
* [https://www.bib.irb.hr/pretraga?operators=and|Nikoli%C4%87,%20Hrvoje|text|author CROSBI Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija]
== Philosophical papers ==
== Philosophical papers ==
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* [https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/259 Block time: Why many physicists still don't accept it?]
* [https://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/259 Block time: Why many physicists still don't accept it?]
== Presentations ==
== Selected presentations ==
* Quantum Foundations I: What is it all about & (why) should mathematical physicists care? [[Media:Qfound1.pdf]]
* Quantum Foundations V: Relativistic QFT from a Bohmian perspective: A proof of concept [[Media:QFound5.pdf]]
* Quantum Foundations IV: Quantum theory of measurement and Bohmian mechanics [[Media:QFound4.pdf]]
* Quantum Foundations III: Decoherence [[Media:QFound3.pdf]]
* Quantum Foundations II: Three no-go theorems [[Media:QFound2.pdf]]
* Quantum Foundations I: What is it all about & (why) should mathematical physicists care? [[Media:QFound1.pdf]]
* Kvantni trikovi: Kako izgleda mikrosvijet dok ga ne opažamo? [[Media:Kv_trik.pdf]]
* Bohmian mechanics for instrumentalists [[Media:IBM.pdf]]
* Bohmian mechanics for instrumentalists [[Media:IBM.pdf]]
* The origin of Casimir effect: Vacuum energy or van der Waals force? [[Media:Casimir.pdf]]
* The origin of Casimir effect: Vacuum energy or van der Waals force? [[Media:Casimir.pdf]]
* Quasiparticles, Casimir effect and all that: Conceptual insights [[Media:Quasiparticles.pdf]]
* Interpretation miniatures [[Media:Miniatures.pdf]]
* Interpretation miniatures [[Media:Miniatures.pdf]]
* How to reconcile non-local reality and local non-reality [[Media:Solipsistic.pdf]]
* How to reconcile non-local reality and local non-reality [[Media:Solipsistic.pdf]]
* Quantum state: Reality or mere probability? (How PBR theorem elevated this question to a higher level) [[Media:PBR.pdf]]
* Quantum state: Reality or mere probability? (How PBR theorem elevated this question to a higher level) [[Media:PBR.pdf]]
== Charts and tables ==
* Find your ideal quantum interpretation [[Media:Ideal_interp.pdf]]
* Physics-mathematics dictionary [[Media:MPD.pdf]]
* What do they mean by logic [[Media:Logic.jpg]]
= Media and social networks =
== Youtube videos (in Croatian) ==
== Youtube videos (in Croatian) ==
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxtmnY0wdMo&t=4s Fizika i filozofija]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UuoLpCa34g Interpretacije kvantne mehanike]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLUz7yKp828 Intimni fotoni]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbXIinSI8f0 Kvantne zavrzlame]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y7osDHe_cU Kvantni trikovi: Kako izgleda mikrosvijet dok ga ne opažamo?]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF-BcB4bbwI Čudesna kvantna fizika]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yF-BcB4bbwI Čudesna kvantna fizika]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfuNVGvuBCM Tkivo svemira]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfuNVGvuBCM Tkivo svemira]
== Newspapers (in Croatian) ==
* Jutarnji List 8.1.2019 [[Media:8-1-2019.pdf]]
== Social networks activities ==
== Social networks activities ==
* [https://www.physicsforums.com/members/demystifier.61953/ Physics Forums]
* [https://www.physicsforums.com/members/demystifier.61953/ Physics Forums]
* [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1624782524 Facebook]
* [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1624782524 Facebook]
= Other =
* [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG_sUadJI42wXWOyTi_y6YDdThHzM5WRR My selection of youtube music]

Latest revision as of 08:37, 20 February 2025

Hrvoje Nikolić (2016)

Affiliation, contact and trivia


Professional scientific interests

Foundations of physics, including:

  • Foundations of quantum physics
    • the measurement problem
    • Bohmian mechanics
    • time in quantum physics
    • quantum interpretations as thinking tools
    • particles, fields and strings
  • Relativity
    • special relativity in non-inertial frames
    • general relativity and gravity
  • Black hole information paradox
  • Foundations of statistical physics
    • probability in classical and quantum physics
    • the time arrow
  • Emergent and effective theories
    • analog gravity
    • emergent field theories
    • emergent relativity
    • quasiparticles
    • Wilson renormalization

Amateur interests

  • Foundations of mathematics (logic, set theory, philosophy of mathematics)
  • Philosophy (philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, free will, logic and reasoning, paradoxes)
  • Psychology (personality psychology, irrationality, emotional intelligence, criminalistic psychology)


Physics papers

Philosophical papers

Selected presentations

Charts and tables

Media and social networks

Youtube videos (in Croatian)

Newspapers (in Croatian)

Social networks activities
