Quantum Gravity Group

The Group deals with theoretical research related to the quantum structure of spacetime.

Research efforts are focused on understanding of the structure and properties of spacetime at very small distances and on exploration of the symmetries of spacetime as seen by fields. The research methods include standard field theory methods, group theory, deformation quantization and modern methods of differential geometry. Although motivated by the search for a quantum theory of gravity, both results and methods of research are used in other areas of theoretical physics.

Physics and Geometry Seminars

Project: Search for Quantum spacetime in Black Hole QNM spectrum and Gamma Ray Bursts


Tajron Jurić

Room: Krilo 1/211
Phone: +385 1 468 0092
Phone (internal): 1350


Hrvoje Nikolić

Room: Krilo 1/211
Phone: +385 1 468 0092
Phone (internal): 1350

Anđelo Samsarov

Room: Krilo 1/214
Phone: +385 1 456 0975
Phone (internal): 1337


Naveena Kumara Athithamoole

Room: Krilo 2/241
Phone: +385 1 456 1132
Phone (internal): 1632

PhD students

Nikola Herceg

Room: Krilo 1/Tavan
Phone: +385 1 456 1030
Phone (internal): 1430

Filip Požar

Room: Krilo 1/Tavan
Phone: +385 1 456 1030
Phone (internal): 1430