Athanasios (Thanasis) Chatzistavrakidis Senior Research Associate Division of Theoretical Physics, | ![]() |
Go to: Conference Talks ⚛ Invited Lectures ⚛ Outreach Talks
A. Talks in International Conferences and Workshops
Conference "Non Commutative Geometry and Higher Structures" ,
17-21 September 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: Generalised connections and their Riemann tensor from a Lie 2-algebroid perspective
Quantum and Fuzzy Workshop ,
4-5 April 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
Title: Higher structures and geometry for gauge systems
5th Mons Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories ,
8-12 January 2024, Belgrade, Serbia
Title: Brane mechanics and representations up to homotopy
Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields ,
12 June -28 July 2023, GGI, Florence, Italy
Title: Basic Curvature, the Atiyah Cocycle and BV
Scientific program "Higher Structures, Gravity and Fields" ,
9-27 January 2023, MITP, Mainz, Germany
Title: Gauge theory, higher structures and compatibility conditions
ESI Thematic programme "Higher Structures and Field Theory" ,
1-26 August 2022, Vienna, Austria
Title: Twisted R-Poisson Sigma Models and Higher Geometry
Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity ,
20-27 September 2021, Corfu, Greece
Title: Twisted R-Poisson Sigma Models
ESI Thematic programme "Higher Structures and Field Theory" ,
7-18 September 2020, Vienna, Austria
Title: Graded Geometry for Mixed-Symmetry Tensor Gauge Theories and Duality
Xmas Theoretical Physics Workshop,
19-20 December 2019, Athens, Greece
Title: Gauge Symmetries and Higher Structures
Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries 2019, 25-31 August 2019, Yerevan, Armenia
Title: Graded Geometry, Tensor Galileons and Duality
Quantum structure of space-time: Generalized geometry & symmetries, 12-16 April 2019, Bayrischzell, Germany
Title: M Theory Fluxes and Threebrane Sigma Models
Quantum Spacetime '19, 11-15 February 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia
Title: Sigma Models and Nongeometric Fluxes in String and M theories
8th Bangkok Workshop on High-Energy Theory, 7-11 January 2019, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Title: Fluxes in Exceptional Field Theory and Threebrane Sigma Models
Matrix Models for Noncommutative Geometry and String Theory, 9-13 July 2018, ESI Vienna, Austria (Invited Speaker)
Title: T-Duality, fluxes and noncommutativity in closed string theory
HEP 2018 Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 28 March - 1 April 2018, Athens, Greece
Title: Newton-Cartan (Super)Gravity and Torsion
String Dualities and Geometry, 14-19 January 2018, Bariloche, Argentina
Title: The structure of a DFT algebroid
The early Universe as a signature for quantum spacetime, 26-29 March 2017, Athens, Greece (Invited Speaker)
Title: Towards generic spacetime structures in string theory
XXIX Workshop Beyond the Standard Model, 20-23 March 2017, Bad Honnef, Germany
Title: Tensor Galileons and Gravity
11th Nordic String Theory Meeting, 9-10 February 2017, Hannover, Germany
Title: Tensor Galileons and Gravity
Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity, 12-17 September 2016, Corfu, Greece
Title: Universal Gauge Theory in Two Dimensions
Generalized Geometry and T-dualities, 9-13 May 2016, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook, USA
Title: Gauged sigma models and non-isometric T-duality
Nordic String Meeting 2016, 14-15 March 2016, Bremen, Germany
Title: Sigma models and generalized geometries
Quantum Spacetime '16, 6-12 February 2016, Zakopane, Poland
Title: Fuzzy extra dimensions, matrix models and particle physics: an overview
Athens Regional Meeting in Theoretical High Energy Physics, 15 January 2016, Athens, Greece
Title: Beyond the Standard Gauging: 2D sigma-models and T-duality
Humboldt Kolleg on Open Problems in Theoretical Physics, 18-22 September 2015, Corfu, Greece
Title: T-duality without isometry via hidden gauge symmetries in 2D sigma models
CERN-CKC TH Institute on Duality Symmetries in String and M-Theories, 3 - 14 August 2015, CERN, Switzerland
Title: Gauging of 2D sigma models without isometry and genuinely non-geometric backgrounds from 3D sigma models.
eNLarge Horizons IFT Workshop, 1-5 June 2015, Madrid, Spain
Title: The SO(10,10) matrix model
HEP2015 - Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 15-18 April 2015, Athens, Greece
Title: Courant algebroids and sigma models for genuinely non-geometric backgrounds
RTG Models of Gravity Autumn Workshop, 30 September - 2 October 2014, Hannover, Germany
Title: Dynamical phase space from a SO(10,10) matrix model
Bayrischzell Workshop 2014: Quantized geometry and physics, 23-26 May 2014, Bayrischzell, Germany
Title: Phase space quantization, non-commutativity and the gravitational field
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity, 8-15 September 2013, Corfu, Greece
Title: Connections among U-dual branes and non-geometric string backgrounds
Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries - SQS 2013, 29 July - 3 August 2013, JINR, Dubna, Russia
Title: Fivebranes, dualities and non-geometry
Nordic String Meeting, 6-7 February 2013, DESY Hamburg, Germany
Title: Flux compactifications and matrix models for superstrings
XVIII European Workshop on String Theory, 19-27 September 2012, Corfu, Greece
Title: Matrix theory origins of non-geometric fluxes
Planck 2012, 28 May - 1 June 2012, Warsaw, Poland
Title: Twisted compactification of matrix models for superstrings
HEP2012: Recent Developments in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 5-8 April 2012, Ioannina, Greece
Title: Matrix theory compactifications on twisted tori
Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity, 7-11 September 2011, Corfu, Greece
Title: Intersecting branes and model building in the type IIB matrix model
Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS-7), 7-13 August 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Title: Intersecting branes and model building in the type IIB matrix model
XXIII Bad Honnef Workshop Beyond the Standard Model, 14-17 March 2011, Bad Honnef, Germany
Title: Orbifold Matrix Model and Gravity
Satellite Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity,
8-12 September 2010, Corfu, Greece
Title: Fuzzy extra dimensions and particle physics
Noncommutativity and Physics: Spacetime Quantum Geometry, 14-17 May 2010, Bayrischzell, Germany
Title: Fuzzy extra dimensions and particle physics models
XXVIII Workshop on Recent Advances in Particle Physics and Cosmology, 25-28 March 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title: Particle physics models from fuzzy extra dimensions
Particles and Cosmology Workshop, 3-6 February 2010, Warsaw, Poland
Title: Towards particle physics models from fuzzy extra dimensions
3rd HEPTOOLS annual meeting, 30 November 30 - 1 December 2009, Vienna, Austria
Title: Towards particle physics models from fuzzy extra dimensions
Workshop on Cosmology - Strings: Theory - Cosmology - Phenomenology, 6-13 September 2009, Corfu, Greece
Title: Nearly-Kaehler dimensional reduction of the heterotic string
Noncommutativity and physics: Quantum Geometries and Gravity, 15-18 May 2009, Bayrischzell, Germany (Invited speaker)
Title: Dimensional reduction of heterotic string over homogeneous nearly-Kaehler manifolds
Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory (In Memoriam Julius Wess), 4-6 December 2008, Vienna, Austria
Title: Nearly-Kaehler dimensional reduction of the heterotic string
4th EU RTN Workshop: Constituents, Fundamental Forces & Symmetries of the Universe, 11-17 September 2008, Varna, Bulgaria
Title: Coset Space Dimensional Reduction of the Heterotic Supergravity
5th Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics, 6-17 July 2008, Belgrade, Serbia
Title: Reduction of heterotic supergravity on coset manifolds
4th Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics and Quantum Field Theory, 30 Nov - 2 Dec 2007, Vienna, Austria
Title: Consistent Dimensional Reduction over Coset Spaces
Workshop on Field Theory, Non-commutative Geometry and Strings, 9-11 November 2007, Zagreb, Croatia
Title: Consistent reductions over coset spaces
B. Invited Lectures in Universities & Research Institutes
University of Belgrade, Serbia (22 Dec 2023)
University of Mons, Belgium (9 Oct 2023)
Title: Graded Generalised Geometry for Gauge and Gravity theories
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (8 May 2023)
Title: Basic curvature and Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory
Charles University of Prague, Czechia (17 Feb 2023)
Title: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in higher gauge theory
IPhT-CEA, CEICO, Czech Academy of Sciences (14 Feb 2023)
Title: Geometry on higher structures and the BV formalism
IPhT-CEA, University of Paris-Saclay, France (30 Mar 2022)
Title: Twisted R-Poisson Sigma Models and BV Quantization
University of Crete, Greece (Online) (14 Jan 2022)
Title: Generalized Geometry and Applications in Field and String Theories
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Online) (7 Dec 2021)
Title: Field Theory and Generalised Geometry
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (Online) (8 Oct 2021)
Title: Generalized Geometry and Applications in Field and String Theories
Exceptional Geometry Seminar Series (Online) (12 Feb 2021)
Title: Aspects of Duality in Higher Gauge Theories and Gravity
Albert Einstein Institute, Potsdam, Germany (12 May 2020, online due to travel restrictions)
Title: Graded Geometry, Mixed-Symmetry Tensors and Duality
Jacobs University Bremen, Germany (22 Nov 2019)
Title: Gauge symmetry and higher structures
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (20 Nov 2019)
Title: Unifying standard and exotic duality through graded geometry
Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands (15 Oct 2019)
Title: Unifying standard and exotic duality through graded geometry
Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon, France (10 Oct 2019)
Title: Sigma models, generalised geometry and nongeometric flux backgrounds
Research Training Group Colloquium "Models of Gravity", Bremen, Germany (7 Nov 2018)
Title: Aspects of generalized geometry for closed strings
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (11th and 14th October 2016)
Title 1: Symmetries, Dualities and Generalized Geometries
in Gauge and String Theories
Title 2: Courant Algebroids
in String and Membrane Non-Linear Sigma Models
National Technical University of Athens, Greece (31 May 2016)
Title: Gauged sigma models and non-isometric T-duality
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (13 Apr 2016)
Title: Gauged sigma models and non-isometric T-duality
Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen, Netherlands (25 Feb 2016)
Title: Sigma models, gauging and generalized geometry
National Technical University of Athens, Greece (10 Jul 2015)
Title: Courant algebroids and sigma-models in field and string theories
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Ireland (25 Jun 2015)
Title: Courant algebroids and sigma-models in field and string theories
Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia (22 May 2015)
Title: An introduction to Courant algebroids with applications in physics
School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University, London, UK (23 Oct 2014)
Title: Coexistence of generalized fluxes and their exotic brane sources
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (15 Oct 2014)
Title: Theoretical perspectives for physics between the TeV and the Planck scale
Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia (4 Oct 2013)
Title: U-duality, branes and non-geometric string backgrounds
Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Torino, Italy (4 Jun 2013)
Title: Generalized Fluxes and Matrix Compactifications
Max-Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany (8 Apr 2013)
Title: Generalized Fluxes and Matrix Compactifications
Edinburgh Mathematical Physics Group Seminar, Edinburgh, UK (14 Nov 2012)
Title: Flux compactifications and matrix models for superstrings
Van Swinderen Institute for particle physics and gravity, University of Groningen, Netherlands (16 May 2012)
Title: Matrix theory compactifications on twisted tori
Department of Physics,
National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2 Mar 2012).
Title: Matrix theory compactifications on twisted tori
Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria (30 Jun 2011)
Title: Gauge theories with non-commutative extra dimensions
Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany (10 Jun 2011)
Title: Gauge theories with non-commutative extra dimensions
Physikalisches Institut, University of Bonn, Germany (10 May 2010)
Title: Fuzzy extra dimensions and particle physics models
Theoretical Physics Division,
Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia (25 Feb 2010)
Title: Unified particle physics models and fuzzy extra dimensions
CERN Theory Division,
Geneva, Switzerland (1 Feb 2010)
Title: Orbifolds, fuzzy spheres and chiral fermions
C. Outreach Speeches & Talks
Public talk on Geometry and Physics
Reading Society of Corfu, September 2022
Public talk on Modern Theoretical Physics
Reading Society of Corfu, September 2021
Motivational speech on Theoretical Physics for high school students University of Groningen Open Day, 11th November 2016
"Symmetries and Dualities in Physics" Outreach talk (in Greek) for high-school teachers of the Corfu island, 13th September 2016
"Fundamental Interactions & Symmetries at the Crossroad of Physics & Mathematics"
Speech (in Greek) at the National Technical University of Athens. Invited by the Dean of the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, 30th May 2016