Athanasios (Thanasis) Chatzistavrakidis

Senior Research Associate

Division of Theoretical Physics,

Ruđer Bošković Institute

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Research Interests

My research interests concentrate at the interface of theoretical and mathematical physics. Current research topics include:

  • Topological field theory, sigma models and Batalin-Vilkovisky quantization.

  • Higher structures in quantum field theory, such as Courant/L-infinity algebroids and differential graded manifolds.

  • Gauge theories, ordinary and higher; higher global & local symmetries and dualities.

  • Topics in classical and quantum gravity.

    In earlier years, I also worked on string theory compactifications in the G-structure formalism, gauge theories with fuzzy (noncommutative) extra dimensions, matrix models and their applications in particle physics model building, cosmological applications of axions, &c.

  • Current Projects

    Currently I am mainly working on the following projects.

  • Establishing a generalised version of the fundamental theorem of Riemannian geometry for generalised connections on Lie 2-algebroids (a split version of Courant algebroids) and applying it to construct models of gravity, such as the low energy effective action for closed strings. (Work with Chris Hull, Larisa Jonke, Sylvain Lavau and Peter Schupp.)

  • Studying the Atiyah cocycle and the Atiyah class for degree 0 connections on graded manifolds of degrees 1 and 2 and on corresponding differential graded manifolds (Lie and Courant algebroids). (Work with Larisa Jonke and Dmitry Roytenberg.)

  • Exploring Poisson and dg Poisson supermanifolds and the supersymmetric topological sigma models they are associated with, toward understanding their quantization. (Work with Thomas Basile and Sylvain Lavau.)

  • Developing a higher version of the Stuckelberg mechanism for tensor global symmetries associated with Nambu-Goldstone bosons which are tensor fields (such as higher degree differential forms, the graviton and the Curtright field.) (Work with Arash Ranjbar and Sara Zeko.) preprint

  • General Interests

    I am interested in creative writing, especially short stories, occasionally with a touch of physics and mathematics in them.
    If you want to know more, ask me!

    I also enjoy reading international literature, mostly fiction. Although I used to read a lot, I have slowed down recently, but I hope to catch up. I'm also fascinated by Greek poetry.

    Basketball is the sport I like the most, both watching and playing.