List of Presentations in 2021

From Division of Theoretical Physics
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Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: ”Light” new physics at colliders
Date & Venue: 12/2021, MITP Virtual Workshop: Light New Physics: From Table-Top Experiments to the LHC

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Recent developments in LHC Higgs WG3 subgroup ”Extended Higgs Sector” - Theory -
Date & Venue: 12/2021, The 18th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Working Group
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Models with (broken) Z2 symmetries
Date & Venue: 11/2021, Discrete 2020-2021
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Recent developments in LHC Higgs WG3 subgroup ”Extended Higgs Sector”
Date & Venue: 11/2021, Snowmass 2021, EF10 DM@Colliders, topical meeting
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Higgs bosons below 125 GeV at CEPC
Date & Venue: 11/2021, The 2021 International Workshop on the High Energy Circular Electron Positron Collider

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The THDMa and possible e+e− signatures
Date & Venue: 10/2021, ILC Workshop on Potential Experiments
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The THDMa and possible e+e− signatures
Date & Venue: 10/2021, Higgs 2021
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Interference and finite width effects in BSM searches
Date & Venue: 10/2021, ATLAS DBL meeting
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Re-interpretable results - Theory perspective
Date & Venue: 09/2021, Higgs Pairs mini-workshop 2021

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: HH 1 TeV ”bump” as reported at Higgs Hunting 2021
Date & Venue: 09/2021, Harmonia Meeting VII, Warsaw, Poland

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Constraining extended scalar sectors at current and future colliders
Date & Venue: 09/2021, Harmonia Meeting VII, Warsaw, Poland
Talk (invited)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Constraining extended scalar sectors at current and future colliders
Date & Venue: 09/2021, Corfu 2021 Summer Institute Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu, Greece
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Dark matter complementarity discussion
Date & Venue: 08/2021, Energy Frontier Workshop - Restart
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The IDM and THDMa - current constraints and future prospects -
Date & Venue: 07/2021, EPS-HEP Conference 2021

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The THDMa and possible e+e− signatures
Date & Venue: 07/2021, 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Constraining the two real singlet extension in b¯bb¯b final states'
Date & Venue: 07/2021, PARTICLEFACE 2021: Unraveling New Physics Workshop & Management Committee Meeting
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Benchmarks from the Two Real Singlet Extension
Date & Venue: 07/2021, 2021 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society (DPF21)
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Interference and finite width effects in BSM searches
Date & Venue: 07/2021, LHC Higgs Working Group WG3 (BSM) Extended Higgs Sector subgroup meeting

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Unexplored signatures in the IDM and TRSM
Date & Venue: 07/2021, LHC Higgs Working Group WG3 (BSM) Extended Higgs Sector subgroup meeting

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The THDMa revisited
Date & Venue: 05/2021, Phenomenology 2021 Symposium
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Constraining extended scalar sectors at current and future colliders
Date & Venue: 04/2021, ACHT 2021: Perspectives in Particle, Cosmo- and Astroparticle Theory
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors at current and future colliders
Date & Venue: 03/2021, 55th Rencontres de Moriond: QCD and High Energy Interactions
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: The THDMa revisited
Date & Venue: 03/2021, International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, LCWS2021

Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Triple Higgs Boson Production at the Large Hadron Collider with Two Real Singlet Scalars
Date & Venue: 02/2021, LHC-HH Subgroup Meeting
Given by: Tania Robens
Title: Extended scalar sectors at future colliders
Date & Venue: 01/2021, XXVII Cracow EPIPHANY Conference on Future of particle physics
Given by: Zvonimir Vlah
Title: EFT of galaxy shapes
Date & Venue: 01/12/2021; Invited speaker talk at the Workshop on Galaxy shape statistics and Cosmology,

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University (online)

Acknowledged Grants:
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras
Date & Venue: 30/11/2021; Horizon Europe Weeks meeting 'Noncommutative Geometry and Physics: Quantum Spacetimes’ (on-site), Krakow,
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Ivan Nišandžić
Title: Flavorful leptoquarks at the LHC and beyond: Spin 1
Date & Venue: 23/11/2021; 11th international Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2021) (online), Australia/Melbourne,;
Acknowledged Grants: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of Research group Linkage Programme
Given by: Toni Kodžoman
Title: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras
Date & Venue: 12/11/2021; Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation Master Class (on-site), ESI, Vienna,
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Generalised Geometries and Applications in Field and String Theories
Date & Venue: 08/10/2021; Invited talk at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (online)
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615
Given by: Georgios Manolakos
Title: A gravity model on a covariant 4-d noncommutative space
Date & Venue: 24/09/2021; Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory \& Gravity, Corfu, Greece (on-site);;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Twisted R-Poisson Sigma Models
Date & Venue: 23/09/2021; Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity, Corfu, Greece (on-site);; video:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras
Date & Venue: 24/09/2021; Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity, Corfu, Greece (on-site);;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Georgios Manolakos
Title: Axion Gravitodynamics
Date & Venue: 6/09/2021; Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu, Greece (on-site);; video: (31min)
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Georgios Manolakos
Title: N = 1 trinification from dimensional reduction of N=1, 10D E_8 over SU(3)/U(1)xU(1)xZ_3 and its phenomenological consequences
Date & Venue: 26/08/2021; The XXVIII International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY 2021) (online), Asia/Shanghai,;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Ivan Nišandžić
Title: Flavorful leptoquarks at the LHC and beyond
Date & Venue: 29/07/2021; EPS-HEP Conference 2021 (online), Europe/Hamburg,;
Acknowledged Grants: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in the framework of Research group Linkage Program

Given by: Kornelija Passek-Kumerički
Title: On wide-angle photo- and electroproduction of pions to twist-3 accuracy
Date & Venue: 28/07/2021; HADRON 2021, 19th International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure in memoriam Simon Eidelman, Mexico City (Mexico), 26-31 July 2021 (online);
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-9709, STRONG-2020 (EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093)
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: L_infinity algebras and classical field theory
Date & Venue: 23/07/2021; Renormalisation and Geometry Seminar - on-line series;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168

Given by: Georgios Karagiannis
Title: Higher Buscher rules in Gauge Theory and Gravity
Date & Venue: 13/07/2021; Higher Structures in QFT and String Theory - on-line conference;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615
Given by: Georgios Manolakos
Title: Four-dimensional Gravity on a covariant noncommutative (fuzzy) space
Date & Venue: 24/06/2021; Symposium on quantum symmetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum gravity -

Dedicated to Jurek Lukierski on his 85th birthday 24 - 25 June 2021, Wroclaw, Poland (on-line)

Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Luca Grisanti
Title: Förster resonance energy transfer through the lens of molecular dynamics
Date & Venue: 06/04/2021; ACS Spring 2021 (online) - COMP Division - Material Science Session;
Acknowledged Grants:

Given by: Clay James Grewcoe
Title: Curved L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 26/03/2021; Group for Gravitation, Particles and Fields online seminars; Belgrade, Serbia; Available at:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: DFT algebroid and curved L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 25/03/2021; Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar - on-line series; Video:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Clay James Grewcoe
Title: BV/BRST formalism in the language of L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 19/03/2021; Group for Gravitation, Particles and Fields online seminars; Belgrade, Serbia; Available at:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Arash Ranjbar
Title: Dualities in Gravity and Higher Gauge Theories
Date & Venue: 16/03/2021; Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, on-line
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Aspects of duality in higher gauge theory and gravity
Date & Venue: 12/02/2021; Exceptional Geometry Seminar Series (online); Video:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615
Given by: Fabio Franchini
Title: Marie Curie ITN: MOlecular Quantum Simulations
Date & Venue: 25/05/2021; MSCA Doctoral Networks Info day, Zagreb
Acknowledged Grants: European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programm eunder the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 955479.
Given by: Oleg Antipin
Title: Scaling dimensions of fixed charge operators
Date & Venue: 24/09/2021; Portorož 2021: Physics of the Flavourful Universe;
Acknowledged Grants: COST Action CA16201
Given by: Ivan Nišandžić
Title: Flavorful leptoquarks at the LHC and beyond: Spin 1
Date & Venue: 23/09/2021; Portorož 2021: Physics of the Flavourful Universe;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-7094; COST Action CA16201
Given by: Blaženka Melić
Title: Exclusive Vub determination from QCD - solution to Vub puzzle?
Date & Venue: 22/09/2021; Portorož 2021: Physics of the Flavourful Universe;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-7094
Given by: Fabio Franchini
Title: The Frustration of being Odd
Date & Venue: 29/09/2021; GGI Florence,
Acknowledged Grants: European Regional Development Fund -- the Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme: KK. -- RBI TWIN SIN and KK. -- QuantiXLie Center of Excellence. Croatian Science Foundation (HrZZ) Projects No. IP-2016--6--3347 and No. IP-2019--4--3321.