Group/Preprints: 2024

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List of Papers & Preprints, written by members of Division of Theoretical Physics.

Research Groups:

QGMP: Quantum Gravity and Mathematical Physics Group

PPC: Particle Physics and Cosmology Group

CMSP: Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group

FiTMaP: Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group

QG: Quantum Gravity Group

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-01

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Noriaki Ikeda, Larisa Jonke, "Geometric BV for twisted Courant sigma models and the BRST power finesse",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Symmetries for Quantum Gravity", IP-2019-04-4168

Research Group: FiTMaP (Field Theory and Mathematical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-02

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Alberto Giuseppe Catalano, "Numerically efficient unitary evolution for Hamiltonians beyond nearest-neighbors ",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: MOQS ITN programme, a European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement number 955479.

Research Group: CMSP (Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics Group)

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-03

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Goran Duplančić, Saad Nabeebaccus, Kornelija Passek-K., Bernard Pire, Jakob Schönleber, Lech Szymanowski, Samuel Wallon, "Exclusive photoproduction of a photon-meson pair: A new class of observables to probe GPDs", to be published in POS (contribution to SPIN 2023).

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project “Revealing the hadron structure through hard exclusive processes" (REVESTRUCTURE), IP-2019-04-9709, EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, STRONG-2020 project, under grant agreement No 824093

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-04

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Ana Bokulic , Tajron Juric and Ivica Smolic, "Hexadecapole at the heart of nonlinear electromagnetic fields"

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation Project No. IP-2020-02-9614.

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-05

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Marko Stojanovic, Neven Bilic, Dragoljub D.Dimitrijevic, Goran S. Djordjevic and Milan Milosevic, Constant-roll inflation with tachyon field in the holographic braneworld, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 38, 2343003 (2023)

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-06

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Toni Kodžoman, Zoran Škoda, "Brane mechanics and gapped Lie n-algebroids",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants: Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ) project "Symmetries for Quantum Gravity", IP-2019-04-4168; COST action 21109 CaLISTA

Research Group: FiTMaP

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-07

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Hrvoje Nikolić, "Semiclassical solution of black hole information paradox",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: QG

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-08

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Aliaksei Kachanovich, Ivan Nišandžić, "Revisiting the Higgs Boson Decay into a Photon and a Neutrino Pair",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC

Preprint Number: RBI-ThPhys-2024-09

Authors, title and journal ref. (when available): Shi-Fan Chen, Zvonimir Vlah, Martin White, "The Bispectrum in Lagrangian Perturbation Theory",

Repository Url:

Supporting Grants:

Research Group: PPC