Group/Presentations: 2021

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Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: L_infinity algebras and classical field theory
Date & Venue: 23/07/2021; Renormalisation and Geometry Seminar - on-line series;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168

Given by: Georgios Karagiannis
Title: Higher Buscher rules in Gauge Theory and Gravity
Date & Venue: 13/07/2021; Higher Structures in QFT and String Theory - on-line conference;
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615
Given by: Georgios Manolakos
Title: Four-dimensional Gravity on a covariant noncommutative (fuzzy) space
Date & Venue: 24/06/2021; Symposium on quantum symmetries, noncommutative geometry and quantum gravity -

Dedicated to Jurek Lukierski on his 85th birthday 24 - 25 June 2021, Wroclaw, Poland

Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Luca Grisanti
Title: Förster resonance energy transfer through the lens of molecular dynamics
Date & Venue: 06/04/2021; ACS Spring 2021 (online) - COMP Division - Material Science Session;
Acknowledged Grants:

Given by: Clay James Grewcoe
Title: Curved L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 26/03/2021; Group for Gravitation, Particles and Fields online seminars; Belgrade, Serbia; Available at:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Larisa Jonke
Title: DFT algebroid and curved L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 25/03/2021; Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar - on-line series; Video:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Clay James Grewcoe
Title: BV/BRST formalism in the language of L_infinity algebras
Date & Venue: 19/03/2021; Group for Gravitation, Particles and Fields online seminars; Belgrade, Serbia; Available at:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Arash Ranjbar
Title: Dualities in Gravity and Higher Gauge Theories
Date & Venue: 16/03/2021; Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, on-line
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2019-04-4168
Given by: Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis
Title: Aspects of duality in higher gauge theory and gravity
Date & Venue: 12/02/2021; Exceptional Geometry Seminar Series (online); Video:
Acknowledged Grants: HrZZ project IP-2018-01-7615