Principal investigator: Larisa Jonke
PI's Host institution: Ruđer Bošković Institute
Project duration: 01.03.2020 to 31.07.2024

Project Summary

The importance of symmetries in physics research cannot be overemphasized. In particular, the exceptional success of general relativity in describing the nature of gravitational interaction, as confirmed in numerous experiments, is based on thorough understanding of the underlying symmetries. However, there exists strong theoretical evidence that in order to describe physical phenomena in the quantumgravity regime one has to allow for more general symmetry structures. The proposed research aims at advancing our understanding of generalized symmetry principles relevant for a theory of quantum gravity as one of the building blocks of so far elusive theory. Using a set of models motivated by string theory as proxies for quantum gravity we shall investigate relevant symmetry structures and their physical implications. We expect that our result will contribute both to the more formal, mathematical understanding of generalized symmetries and to the development of concrete physical description of quantum gravity related phenomena.


Clay James Grewcoe

RBI, Croatia

Larisa Jonke (PI)

RBI, Croatia

Sylvain Lavau

RBI, Croatia

Toni Kodzoman

RBI, Croatia

Eric Yair Lescano

RBI, Croatia

Georgios Manolakos

RBI, Croatia

Arash Ranjbar

RBI, Croatia

List of publications

Geometric BV for twisted Courant sigma models and the BRST power finesse

Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Noriaki Ikeda and Larisa Jonke

Aspects of Conformal Gravity and Double Field Theory from a Double Copy Map

Eric Lescano, Gabriel Menezes, Jesús A. Rodríguez
Phys. Rev. D 108 (2023) 12, 126017

Non-commutative double geometry

Eric Lescano, Toni Kodzoman
Phys. Rev. D 109 (2024) 4, 046014

Asymptotic dynamics of three dimensional supergravity and higher spin gravity revisited

Wout Merbis, Turmoli Neogi, Arash Ranjbar
JHEP 06 (2023) 121

Braided Quantum Electrodynamics

Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić, Nikola Konjik, Voja Radovanović and Richard J. Szabo
JHEP 08 (2023) 211

Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory

Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis and Larisa Jonke

Generalized symmetries as homotopy Lie algebras

Larisa Jonke
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. (2023)

N=1 supersymmetry in 4D gravity with torsion and non-metricity

Cecilia Bejarano, Eric Lescano

Double field theory with matter and the generalized Bergshoeff–de Roo identification

Eric Lescano, Nahuel Mirón-Granese
Phys.Rev.D 107 (2023) 8, 086008

From Hopf algebra to braided L_infinity algebra

Clay J. Grewcoe, Larisa Jonke, Toni Kodzoman, George Manolakos
Universe 8 (2022) 4, 222

Four-Dimensional Gravity on a Covariant Noncommutative Space (II)

Georgios Manolakos, Pantelis Manousselis, George Zoupanos
Fortschr. Phys. 69 (2021) 2100085

Braided L_infinity-Algebras, Braided Field Theory and Noncommutative Gravity

Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić, Grigorios Giotopoulos, Voja Radovanović, Richard J. Szabo
Lett. Math. Phys. 111 (2021) 148

A gauge-theoretic approach of noncommutative gravity in four dimensions

Georgios Manolakos, Pantelis Manousselis, George Zoupanos
prepared for proceedings of 9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2020).
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A37 (2022) 2240011

DFT algebroid and curved L_infinity-algebras

Clay James Grewcoe, Larisa Jonke
J. Math. Phys. 62 (2021) 052302

L_infinity-algebras and membrane sigma models

Clay James Grewcoe, Larisa Jonke
PoS CORFU2019 (2020) 156

Courant sigma model and L_infinity-algebras

Clay James Grewcoe, Larisa Jonke
Fortsch.Phys. 68 (2020) 6, 2000021

Talks and Seminars

09 May 2024: A graded geometric perspective on tensor hierarchies (S. Lavau) at Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar - on-line seminar series

05 Apr 2024: Higher structures and geometry for gauge systems (A. Chatzistavrakidis) Quantum & Fuzzy Belgrade, Serbia

10 Jan 2024: Brane Mechanics and Representations up to Homotopy (A. Chatzistavrakidis) 5th Mons Workshop on Higher Spin Gauge Theories Mons, Belgium

22 Dec 2023: BRST-AKSZ-RUTH (A. Chatzistavrakidis) seminar at University of Belgrade, Serbia

19 Dec 2023: On the asymptotic symmetry of 3-dimensional Chern-Simons (super)gravity (A. Ranjbar) seminar at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran, Iran

9 Oct 2023: 5G: Graded Generalised Geometry for Gauge and Gravity theories (A. Chatzistavrakidis) seminar at University of Mons, Belgium

24 Aug 2023: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory (L. Jonke) “Gravity, Noncommutative Geometry, Cosmology” Oaxaca, Mexico, August 20 - 25, 2023.

22 Aug 2023: Applications of bidifferential graded geometry (A. Chatzistavrakidis) “Gravity, Noncommutative Geometry, Cosmology” Oaxaca, Mexico, August 20 - 25, 2023.

26 Jul 2023: Statistical matter in Double Field Theory (E. Lescano) Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Durham University, UK, 24 - 28 Jul 2023.

7 Jul 2023: Basic Curvature, the Atiyah Cocycle and BV (A. Chatzistavrakidis) Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields GGI Florence, Italy, Jun 12 - Jul 28, 2023.

22 Jun 2023: Basic curvature and the Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory (L. Jonke) Gravity beyond Riemannian Paradigm Jeju Island, Korea, 18 - 24 Jun 2023.

20 Jun 2023: Statistical matter in Double Field Theory (E. Lescano) Gravity beyond Riemannian Paradigm Jeju Island, Korea, 18 - 24 Jun 2023.

8 May 2023: Basic curvature and Atiyah cocycle in gauge theory (A. Chatzistavrakidis) seminar at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

27 Sep 2022: Generalized symmetries as homotopy Lie algebras (L. Jonke) Geometry and Renormalisation Potsdam, 26 - 30 Sep 2022.

03 Sep 2022: Non-commutative deformations from homotopy Lie algebras (L. Jonke) Workshop on theoretical and experimental advances in quantum gravity, COST CA18108 Belgrade, 01-03 Sep 2022.

06 Jun 2022: Braided gauge field theory and its L-infinity algebra: open problems and quantization (M. Dimitrijevic Ciric) Mini symposium on Physics and Geometry Zagreb, 06-10 Jun 2022.

15 May 2022: Generalized Global Symmetries in Graded Target Space and Anomalies (A. Ranjbar) at Bayrischzell Workshop 2022: Higher Structures in Quantum Field and String Theory, Bayrischzell, 13 - 16 May 2022

30 Nov 2021: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras (L. Jonke) at Horizon Europe Weeks meeting 'Noncommutative Geometry and Physics: Quantum Spacetimes’, Krakow, 29 November - 01 December 2021

12 Nov 2021: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras (T. Kodzoman) at Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation Master Class, Vienna, 08 - 12 November 2021

24 Sep 2021: A gravity model on a covariant 4-d noncommutative space (G. Manolakos) at Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity, Corfu, 20 - 27 Sep 2021

24 Sep 2021: On Hopf and Lie-infinity Algebras (L. Jonke) at Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity, Corfu, 20 - 27 Sep 2021

06 Sep 2021: Axion Gravitodynamics (G. Manolakos) at Workshop on Standard Model and Beyond, Corfu, 30 Aug - 08 Sep 2021

26 Aug 2021: N=1 trinification from dimensional reduction of N=1, 10DE_8 over SU(3)/U(1)×U(1)×Z3 and its phenomenological consequences (G. Manolakos) at XXVIII International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions

23 Jul 2021: Lie_infinity algebras and classical field theory (L. Jonke) at Renormalisation and Geometry Seminar - on-line seminar series

26 Mar 2021: Curved Lie_infinity algebras (C. J. Grewcoe) at GPF Seminar - on-line seminar series

25 Mar 2021: DFT algebroid and curved Lie_infinity algebras (L. Jonke) at Prague Mathematical Physics Seminar - on-line seminar series

19 Mar 2021: BV/BRST formalizam jezikom L-beskonacno algebri (C. J. Grewcoe) at GPF Seminar - on-line seminar series

16 Mar 2021: Dualities in Gravity and Higher Gauge Theories (A. Ranjbar) at Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran

4 Nov 2020: DFT algebroid and curved Lie_infinity algebras (L. Jonke) at Integrability, Dualities and Deformations - on-line seminar series

Research Visits

26 Jun - 8 Jul 2023: Scientific Program Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields GGI Florence, Italy (A. Chatzistavrakidis and L. Jonke).

09-27 Jan 2023: Scientific Program Higher Structures, Gravity and Fields MITP, Mainz, Germany (A. Chatzistavrakidis and L. Jonke).

07-20 Aug 2022: Thematic Programme Higher Structures and Field Theory, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria (A. Chatzistavrakidis and L. Jonke).

14-27 Sep 2020: Thematic Programme Higher Structures and Field Theory, Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria (A. Chatzistavrakidis and L. Jonke).

School and Conference Attendance

04 -08 Sep 2023: Training school on Cartan Geometry Brno, Chechia (T. Kodzoman).

24 - 28 Jul 2023: Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Durham University, UK (L. Jonke).

12 -16 Jun 2023: Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields (Training week) GGI Florence, Italy (T. Kodzoman).

08-12 Aug 2022: Amplitudes 2022 Prague, Czechia (E. Lescano).

01-05 Aug 2022: Integrability, Dualities and Deformations Berlin, Germany (E. Lescano).

01-07 Aug 2022: Amplitudes 2022 Summer School Prague, Czechia (T. Kodzoman).

08-12 Nov 2021: Higher Structures Emerging from Renormalisation Master Class ESI, Vienna, Austria (T. Kodzoman).

29-31 Jul 2021: Young Researchers Symposium ICMP, University of Geneva, Switzerland (T. Kodzoman).

12-16 Jul 2021: Higher Structures in QFT and String Theory A Virtual Conference for Junior Researchers (T. Kodzoman).

12-30 Jul 2021: The Amplitude Games 1st Virtual Theory Summer School, MITP (T. Kodzoman).

Feb 2021: Speaking for Science Science communications on-line training (T. Kodzoman).

Event Organization

13-16 May 2022: Bayrischzell Workshop 2022: Higher Structures in Quantum Field and String Theory

06-10 Jun 2022: Mini symposium on Physics and Geometry IRB, Zagreb.

09-27 Jan 2023: Higher Structures, Gravity and Fields MITP, Mainz.

05-09 Jun 2023: Mini symposium on Physics and Geometry IRB, Zagreb.

03-07 Jun 2024: 4th Mini symposium on Physics and Geometry IRB, Zagreb.



Larisa Jonke

Phone: +385 1 4561 121
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb, Croatia