4th Mini symposium on Physics and Geometry

3-7 of June 2024, RBI Zagreb, Croatia

The idea of this event is to bring together international and local theoretical physicists and mathematicians to discuss and exchange ideas and viewpoints on open problems at the intersection of mathematical physics, field theory and geometry. The format is a combination of a light program of talks and ample time for intensive discussions and collaboration among participants.

External guests

  • Thomas Basile (Mons University)
  • Eric Bergshoeff (Groningen University)
  • Chris Blair (IFT, Madrid)
  • Đorđe Bogdanović (University of Belgrade)
  • Martin Cederwall (Chalmers U. Tech)
  • Predrag Dominis Prester (Rijeka University)
  • Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić (University of Belgrade)
  • Ivan Dneprov (Mons University)
  • Maxim Grigoriev (Mons University)
  • Jelle Hartong (Edinburg Univerity)
  • Niels Obers (NBI & Nordita)
  • Stefan Prohazka (Vienna University)
  • Dmitry Roytenberg (University of Amsterdam)
  • Peter Schupp (Constructor University)
  • Evgeny Skvortsov (Mons Univerity)
  • Marcus Sperling (Vienna University)
  • Thomas Strobl (University of Lyon)
  • Richard J. Szabo (Heriot-Watt U. Edinburgh)
  • Zoran Škoda (University of Zadar)
  • Ziqi Yan (Nordita)

Organized by:

Oleg Antipin, Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis, Larisa Jonke, Toni Kodžoman, Sylvain Lavau, Jan Rosseel

Supported by Croatian Science Foundation projects IP-2019-04-4168 and IP-2022-10-5980, Ministry of Science, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the European Union.