High-energy physics

Axion like particles, fifth force and neutron interferometry

We report on recent result according to which the fermion-fermion interaction mediated by axions and axion–like particles can be revealed by means of neutron interferometry. We assume that the initial neutron beam is split in two beams which are …

On the Geometric Phase and Majorana Neutrinos

We analyze the geometric phase for neutrinos and we demonstrate that the geometric invariants associated to transitions between different neutrino flavors, for Majorana neutrinos, can depend on the representation of the mixing matrix and then are …

Neutron interferometry, fifth force and axion like particles

We propose a new possible detection strategy to reveal the fermion–fermion interaction mediated by axions and axion-like particles, based on interferometric measurement of neutron beams. We consider an interferometer in which the neutron beam is …

Beyond the MSW effect: Neutrinos in a dense medium

We present a theory of neutrino oscillations in a dense medium which goes beyond the effective matter potential used in the description of the MSW effect. We show how the purity of the neutrino state is degraded by neutrino interactions with the …

Testing CPT violation, entanglement and gravitational interactions in particle mixing with trapped ions

By analyzing the analogies between the effective system of N spins described by the Ising Hamiltonian and the phenomenon of the self-gravity in mixed particle systems, we show that cooled ions held in a segmented ion trap and exposed to a magnetic …

Discerning the Nature of Neutrinos: Decoherence and Geometric Phases

We present new approaches to distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos. The first is based on the analysis of the geometric phases associated to neutrinos in matter, the second on the effects of decoherence on neutrino oscillations. In the …

Consequences of f(?) Cosmology in Thermal Leptogenesis and Gravitino Late Abundance

Thermal Leptogenesis and the gravitino problem are reviewed in the framework of non-standard cosmologies. We consider in particular the f(T) cosmology, where T is the torsion field. We constrain the parameters space of these cosmological models …

Probing quantum field theory particle mixing and dark-matter-like effects with Rydberg atoms

We analyze the oscillations of Rydberg atoms in the framework of quantum field theory and we reveal non-trivial vacuum energy which has the equation of state of the dark matter. This energy is similar to that expected for mixed neutrinos and affects …

Probing axion mediated fermion–fermion interaction by means of entanglement

We propose a new approach in the investigation and detection of axion and axion–like particles based on the study of the entanglement for two interacting fermions. We study a system made of two identical fermions with spin -1/2, and we show that …

Gravity, entanglement and CPT-symmetry violation in particle mixing

We study the probability oscillations of mixed particles in the presence of self gravitational interaction. We show that the presence of the parity leads to the violation of the time-reversal symmetry while the CP-symmetry is preserved hence inducing …