Phase diagram of the topologically frustrated XY chain


Landau theory’s implicit assumption that microscopic details cannot affect the global phases has been challenged only recently in systems such as antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains with periodic boundary conditions. The new paradigm of topological frustration has been accordingly put forward. In this context, the quantum phases exhibit a dependence on the boundary conditions. In this work, we show that topological frustration modifies the zero temperature phase diagram of the XY chain in a transverse magnetic field by inducing new boundary quantum phase transitions. Here, by boundary quantum phase transitions we mean non-analyticities that are non-extensive in the number of particles. Such transitions are both of first and second order. Moreover, we come across the first case of second order boundary quantum phase transition characterized by a quartic dispersion relation. Our analytical results are supported by both analytical calculations and numerical investigations, and lay the foundation for understanding the phase diagram of frustrated model.
