The Q-Team participated in IQIS 2023 at the University of Trieste. Alberto Giuseppe Catalano gave a talk entitled Frustrating Quantum Batteries.
We are at the verge of the Quantum Technology Revolution: quantum mechanics allows for phenomena that have no classical counterparts and which can be harvested for new technologies. An example of the emerging quantum technologies are quantum batteries (QB), i.e. quantum mechanical systems that can store and transfer energy in a coherent way. While the practical implementation of such devices is still far from becoming reality, a serious effort is being devoted to understanding their advantages and limitations, using different platforms and protocols. As it has been recently demonstrated that the introduction of topological frustration in one- dimensional spin-1/2 chains can strongly modify the low energy properties of these systems, we investigate the performance of a quantum battery realized through such frustrated chains and introduce a novel, natural, decoherence mechanism that show their superiority compared to their unfrustrated counterpart. We quantify this superiority using the notion of ergotropy, that is, the amount of energy that can be extracted from a battery with a unitary transformation.