Fabio Franchini

Fabio Franchini

Senior research associate

Ruđer Bošković Institute

I am a theoretical physicist working mostly on quantum strongly correlated systems. I love my work and its challenges and I aim at a deep understanding of the effects of quantum mechanics on many-body systems. My main contributions in research so far include a detailed description of the effects of frustrated boundary conditions on quantum spin system (including the modification of the bulk, local order and the exploitation for quantum technologies), the identification of a mechanism for spontaneous breaking of U(N) symmetry in matrix models and the proposal of the first exactly solvable toy-model for Anderson Metal/Insulator Transition, the observation of universality in the short-time dynamics of localized excitation after a quantum quench, the explanation of how edge state recombination gives lack of Local Convertibility and is a necessary component in a Universal Quantum Simulator, the description of essential singularity in the entanglement entropies approaching non-conformal critical points, a complete analytical characterization of entanglement entropies and spectrum for several integrable models, the construction of a non-linear hydrodynamic coupling between spin and charge degrees of freedom in one-dimensional systems, the description of correlations in a matrix models as an emerging Hawking radiation (Luttinger liquid in Ridler space).

Before getting tenured in Zagreb, I worked at the Abdus Salam ICTP, at SISSA (Trieste, Italy), at INFN in Florence (Italy) and at the Center for Theoretical Physics of MIT(Cambridge, MA, USA).

My personal webpage

  • Entanglement and non-local correlation functions in quantum spin chains
  • Effects of frustration on quantum magnetic systems
  • Quantum technologies and thermodynamics
  • Integrable models
  • Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of low dimensional quantum systems
  • Semi-classical hydrodynamic descriptions
  • Disordered systems and the Anderson Metal/Insulator transition
  • Quasi-periodic systems
  • Random Matrix Theory and its application in condensed matter physics
  • Gravitational analog models and Hawking radiation…
  • Ph.D. in Physics, 2006

    Stony Brook University

  • 2000 - Laurea in Physics, 2000

    University of Bologna