I am a PhD student in theoretical physics, with a strong interest in statistical and quantum physics. My PhD project concerns the investigation of the effects of frustration due to non-local interactions in molecular Hamiltonians, trying to identify the relevant degrees of freedom most suitable for quantum simulations, and is funded within the Marie Curie ITN action “Molecular quantum simulations – MOQS”.
PhD in Physics, ongoing
University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg (France)
Master’s degree in Mathematical Engineering, 2020
Politecnico di Milano, Milano (Italy)
M2 in Physics of Complex Systems, 2020
Universitè de Paris, Paris (France)
Master’s degree in Physics of Complex Systems, 2020
Politecnico di Torino, Torino (Italy)
Bachelor degree in Physics, 2018
Università degli Studi di Catania, Catania (Italy)