Principal investigator: Vinko Zlatić
PI's Host institution: Ruđer Bošković Institute
Project duration: 18.12.2023 to 17.12.2027

Project Summary

In this project we aim to jointly address the long standing problems of predicting dynamics on networks by:

1. devising the new theoretical approximations of stochastic processes that work in cases with limited information. Focus will be on different types of contact processes as they have historically been the easiest to use for theory extension.

2. extending Deep Learning methods to questions related to stochastic dynamic on networks. In networks with limited information, we will ascertain the dynamical processes whose evolution can be learned with sufficient accuracy.


Vinko Zlatić (PI)

RBI, Croatia

Hrvoje Štefančić

Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište (Catholic University of Croatia)

Davor Horvatić

Fizički odsjek, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet

Boris Podobnik

Zagrebačka škola ekonomije i menadžmenta, Luxembourg School of Business

Published journal articles

Rewiring driven evolution of quenched frustrated signed network

Sven Benjamin Kožić, Salvatore Marco Giampaolo and Vinko Zlatić
Published in Journal of Physics: Complexity, Volume 5, Number 1

Event Organization



School, Workshop and Conference Attendance

Invited talks:

Vinko Zlatić, Initial conditions for Systemic Risk, invited talk css, Exeter, September 2024.

Vinko Zlatić, Networks and secret sharing, Lipari, July 2024.

Vinko Zlatić, Initial conditions for Systemic Risk, invited seminar, Institute Enrico Fermi, Rome, February 2024.


Regular talks:

Vinko Zlatić, Initial conditions for Systemic Risk, Complenet, Exeter, March 2024.

Vinko Zlatić, Initial conditions for Systemic Risk, NetSciX, Venice, January 2024.



Vinko Zlatić

Phone: +385 1 456 1133
Ruđer Bošković Institute
Bijenička cesta 54
10000 Zagreb, Croatia