Recent Advances in T/U-dualities and Generalized Geometries
6-9 June 2017, Zagreb, Croatia

The workshop aims at bringing together experts in theoretical and mathematical physics, working on diverse aspects of dualities originating in string theory and their relations to generalized geometry.
Topics include:
- Extended formalisms for T- and U-dualities
- Non-geometric string backgrounds and non-standard branes
- Noncommutative and nonassociative structures in string and M theories
- Applications of Lie and Courant algebroids in field and string theories
- Worldsheet/Worldvolume approaches to T- and U-dualities
- Non-Abelian T-duality and integrability
Organizing Committee:
Ralph Blumenhagen (MPI for Physics, Munich)
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis (University of Groningen)
Larisa Jonke (Rudjer Bošković Institute, Zagreb)
Stjepan Meljanac (Rudjer Bošković Institute, Zagreb)
Richard Szabo (Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh)